Metka Krašovec, A Night Walk, 1974
Žiga Kariž, It's so simple and that's the way I like it, 2005–2007
Antea Arizanović, Be my sponzor, 2005–2006
Slavko Tihec, Red Container, 1978
Slavko Tihec, Kinetic object – Koncentrum III, 1969–1970
Samuel Grajfoner, To Louise Bourgeois, 1995
Maks Kavčič, Istrian Village, 1958
Oto Rimele, Caligraphy, 1992
Janko Andrej Jelnikar, Flowers in Autumn, 1994
Fran Mesarič, Reflection in the Window, 1974
Oton Polak, Untitled, 2003
Jakob Savinšek, Portrait H, 1955
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