Ivan Kos, The Girl With An Orange, 1927, oil on canvas
Ivan Dvoršak, Bed (Middle), around 1970
Bojan Golija, Work on the Rice Fields, 1959
Polona Maher, Stitchery, 2001–2002
son:DA, From the Artist Book, 2009
Ida Brišnik Remec, ZGL–2, 1987
Zmago Jeraj, Painting, drawing, graphics, photography, set of nine postcards, 2008, 15 x 11 cm
Ivan Kos, Beggar IV, 1932
Nataša Prosenc Stearns, Coast, 2004, video
Petra Varl, Swimmer Girl, 2008
Jan Oeltjen, Sunrise, 1954–1955
Avgusta Šantel, Flowers in a Vase, 1909
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