Wisdom Hours / It’s Okay To Cry
Do young people today feel and experience differently than you? What has changed? - will be the questions of our conversation.
Do young people today feel and experience differently than you? What has changed? - will be the questions of our conversation.
The event is a great opportunity to gain further insight into your work during individual meeting with the curators.
The increasingly prevalent feelings of frustration, anxiety, or dissatisfaction today are the result of the social and political uncertainty and insecurity that characterize the times we live in.
What does the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty have in common with the exhibition It’s Okay To Cry? We will recreate our ideas and experiences with the technique of photo collage.
By recording "vivid and exceptional scenes from everyday life", as the artist himself puts it, Stropnik presents humorous situations, spontaneous quirks, and an array of moods to the viewer.
We invite you to two guided tours of two exhibitions, each of which, in its own way, presents depictions of Old Maribor created in the first half of the 20th century.