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Friends of the UGM gathering
UGM, Strossmayerjeva ulica 6 + Hiša kruha – Tri babe, Vojašniški trg 3, Maribor
Friday, 13 December 2024, 18.00–23.00

On Friday, 13 December, we invite all friends of the Maribor Art Gallery to join us for the last events before the end of the year. Celebrate with us!

We are starting the gathering at 18.00 in the gallery premises at Strossmayerjeva ulica 6, for the last guided tour of the exhibition Spekter of this year. The author of the exhibition's layout, David Tavčar, and curator Jure Kirbiš will focus on the ways in which the works of art are presented in the exhibition.

At 19.00 we continue with the opening of the exhibition of the artist Ava Tribušon Ovsenik at the UGM Kabinet, also at Strossmayerjeva 6. This is the first solo institutional presentation of the artist in Slovenia.

Then, at 20.00, we will move to the nearby Hiša kruha - Tri babe at Vojašniški trg 3, where we will recall in a relaxed atmosphere the events of the gallery's 70th anniversary year and toast the next one, which once again brings curiosity, imagination and inspiration. Music, bubbles and snacks will be provided.

Admission to all events is free.