The paintings in the collection drew from all major historical styles of fine arts of the 20th century and represent the core part of the permanent collection of UGM (about the third of all the works). Sculpture is represented by Slovenian authors' art works created after 1945. The features of the UGM collection are complete opuses of selected authors from North-Eastern Slovenia, mostly by those belonging to older generations, such as Janez Šibila, Maks Kavčič, Oton Polak and Zmago Jeraj, and focus on certain art movements, especially Slovenian Expressionism and New Objectivity: the collection for instance contains a few excellent works by Tone Kralj and France Kralj, Ivan Kos and Fran Stiplovšek. Equally interesting are opuses by sculptor Slavko Tihec and painter Rudolf Kotnik, the pioneers and leading figures of Slovenian abstract art of the early 1960s, as well as production of younger authors in the recent decades. Representatives of the latter in the UGM collection are some excellent artists based in Maribor, such as Oto Rimele and Darko Golija, as well as several Slovenian artists who belong to the younger and middle generation, such as Jurij Kalan, Marko Jakše, Zdenka Žido and others. The collection attracts also international attention with the works of Zoran Mušič, an internationally acclaimed Slovenian painter who spent his youth and early creative years in Maribor.